Project: Brand Identity for Genzing
Date: Nov.2021
Services: Brand Identity Design, Brand Strategy, Art Direction, Brand Consultation
Produced by Lost Studios
Self expression is important to us all. Through all the conscious and subconscious choices we make through our daily lives. What shoes, shirts or even watch should you wear? Everything down to the hairstyle you'd want to sport that day. Within everything we do we want the people around us to know who we are, and what we believe in.
The talented studio at Genzing specializes in illustrations often created for sale as merchandising through their ecommerce platforms. We talked with the team and quickly figured our the greatest approach to the branding. The clients and team agreed that we want to showcase a lot of personality within the mark. We wanted our audience to understand the playful and sophisticated nature that is at the core of the Genzing team.
Our solution, within the word mark we paired a contemporary sans serif font with an italic, lowercase serif typography. The word mark is held together with an asterisk at the end of the formation. This marriage of modern serif and sans serif styles lends itself to express the energy, spirit and quirky nature of the creative powerhouse. 
We worked closely with the team to create a more expressive voice and foundation for the brand itself, allowing it grow over the years. The branding will be applied through all social channels and on their online store front, our systems will allow us to take this branding off the screen and into physical world with forms of packaging.